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Small claims solicitors: tips for making a small claim
Experiencing disagreement and conflict can be uncomfortable, stressful and, if not dealt with promptly, the situation can escalate. Our team of experienced small claims solicitors can help you bring a fair end to your dispute quickly, so that you can end the stress and get on with your life.
Depending on the nature of your small claim (that is, the value of or less than £10,000), will depend on the best approach to take. To help point you in the right direction, we’ve put together a number of helpful checks, guides on your rights and strategies on writing an effective complaint letter for your particular dispute. You can browse through each of the areas set out below as a good starting point if you’re feeling a little lost.
If you’ve been through the pointers, you’ve run into difficulties or you just want to speak with an expert to get the matter sorted, you can take advantage of our Ask the Legal Expert sessions. From as little as £99 including VAT, you can get tailored advice from one of our legal advisors in a 45-minute session with no obligation to take the matter further. You are free to choose how best you’d like to use this time.
To find out more about what’s included in the cost, click below.
45 minutes with an experienced legal adviser that can be used to:
- Answer your questions or talk through a particular situation you’re facing
- Review documents (reading them with you or in advance as part of your 45 minutes)
- Help you write a difficult letter or complete legal forms
Legal advice, tailored for your situation
To help you get the most out of your session, we’ll work with you to set a clear aim for what you’d like to achieve and we’ll answer any burning questions. It’s also a chance to find out what’s happened with cases similar to yours, tapping into the experience of a legal adviser. We offer practical guidance for your situation based on the information you give us.
Face-to-face personal attention
Seeking advice, in person, from an experienced legal advisor can significantly improve the outcome of your situation. Oftentimes it can be helpful to have an impartial third party cut through to the core of the matter and help to define the real, underlying legal issue. Of course, if you’re not able to attend an appointment at one of our offices, we’d be happy to assist you over the phone.
One-off meeting with no further obligations
In a number of cases, your matter may require further action beyond the 45 minutes you have with your legal adviser. We’ll ensure you’re clear on any next steps so you have a clear path forward and can work towards full resolution. The 45-minute ALE session you have with one of our legal advisers gives you the flexibility to have the one meeting with no obligation to take matters further, or you can instruct us for a full resolution of your matter.
Get in touch today
Expert legal advice you can rely on:
- Small Claims Service
Advice caused loss
(Professional negligence) -
Building work and property
repairs - Business debt
- Car or vehicle repairs
- Credit Card
- Hotel - poor service
Insurance company not
covering claim - Internet purchase
- Landlord and tenant dispute
- Neighbour disputes
- Parking ticket
- Pay or wage dispute
- Shop purchase
- Small Claims - Debt
Top Tips to making
holiday claims -
Travel - delays or lost
luggage - Water supply and sewage
Small Claims Service
Experiencing disagreement and conflict can be uncomfortable, stressful and, if not dealt with promptly, the situation can escalate. Our team of experienced small claims solicitors can help you bring a fair end to your dispute quickly, so that you can end the stress and get on with your life.
Advice caused loss (Professional negligence)
If you have suffered a financial loss because of bad advice or a mistake made by a professional advisor then you may be able to claim compensation.
Building work and property repairs
Falling out with your neighbour can be particularly distressing for you and your family.
It can affect your enjoyment of your home and garden. It can also be intimidating knowing that you may have to pass your neighbour in the street.
Business debt
A compulsory treatment order (CTO) is used by healthcare professionals to ensure that mental health patients receive the treatment they need - even when they’re unable to make their own decisions.
Car or vehicle repairs
Where you have a dispute over repairs to your car (or other vehicle) the amount of your dispute (including losses and expenses) is likely to come to less than £10,000. Therefore you will need a cost –effective legal solution. Our Small Claims Service should be able to help.
Credit Card
You may also be able to get your credit card company to pay your claim for a faulty product or a poor service (including refunds or the cost of repairs) together with any extra losses and expenses you have suffered.
Insurance company not covering claim
If something has gone wrong, then you will be relieved if you took out insurance to protect you against the risk.
Internet purchase
Landlord and tenant dispute
Both landlords and tenants can become unhappy because the other is not complying with the terms of their rental agreement. Landlord and tenant law can be quite complicated but the best solution is often found by having a conversation.
Where this fails, put your concerns in writing. Two of the most common situations are covered in the sample letters below.
If that still does not do the trick, you can use our service to take advice on your situation. We can help you with the next steps – which might be mediation.
Neighbour disputes
Falling out with your neighbour can be particularly distressing for you and your family.
It can affect your enjoyment of your home and garden. It can also be intimidating knowing that you may have to pass your neighbour in the street.
Parking ticket
Pay or wage dispute
Falling out with your neighbour can be particularly distressing for you and your family.
If you have not been paid what you think you are due, then you should speak to your boss (or line-manager) to find out why. This applies if the dispute is over pay or other benefits. It might just be an error. But it might be that there is a disagreement over what you are entitled to.
Shop purchase
Where you have a dispute over something you bought in a shop and the value of your dispute is less than £10,000, then our Small Claims service should be able to help.
Small Claims - Debt
Falling out with your neighbour can be particularly distressing for you and your family.
Find out more about the law and your rights if you're owed money.
Top Tips to making holiday claims
Ever arrived at a hotel to find it isn’t anything like the brochure, or fallen ill as a result of dodgy hotel food or pool facilities? Whilst there’s no getting away from the disappointment problems like this can cause, remember there is something you can do about it.
Travel - delays or lost luggage
The main disputes you are likely to have with travel companies are delays to your journey and damage to your luggage.
Water supply and sewage
Falling out with your neighbour can be particularly distressing for you and your family.
It can affect your enjoyment of your home and garden. It can also be intimidating knowing that you may have to pass your neighbour in the street.
Have a question or need some help? Call us today on 0208 5324884
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